Note: The fields marked with * are mandatory.
Company Details
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Organization Name *
Select Sector *
Holding Company Country *
Company Stage *
Deal Source *
Year company was founded *
Description *
Financial Details
Note: All financial information should be in South African Rand and as at last financial year.
Financing Round *
Total Funding Requirement *
Equity being Offered *
Revenue (ZAR) *
Pre-Money Company Valuation *
Total Round Size *
Number of Customers/Users *
Traction *
Solution Information
Solution type *
Problem being solved and How *
Differentiation/USP *
Revenue Model *
Team Information
Management team members & their experience *
No. of employees *
Market Information
Target Market *
Target Market size *
Competitor List *
Upload File (Pitch Deck/Financials) * Attachment

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